I do it sometimes depending on the job, I you want a flat bottomed recess in the end of a part then It's easier to put on the cut in the middle and work out as most boring bars are made that way.
Not India but just my shed, turning into an internal corner, also on large work it saves the cross slide having to be wound right out maybe beyond it's travel
I'll also often do it if turning a spigot on a part. If you reduce the diameter in several passes the face of the shoulder will show steps, Once the final pass to diameter is cut I wind the cross slide out which takes a light cut across the shoulder
As some of these guys are on piecework it can pay to take a cut both ways rather than be non productive winding the tool out to put on another cut
Edited By JasonB on 03/02/2023 07:43:20
Edited By JasonB on 03/02/2023 07:45:07