A lot of beginners seem to want a QCTP. system. I did too and somewhat regret having done so. They are not as rigid as say a 4 way holder and to get the full benefit you will need a lot of holders. This finishes up as being one very expensive exercise.
I do use my expensive QCTP, but revert to a 4 way holder or even mount the tool on the topslide (a la Myford holder if I have any serious metal removal to do.
I also use HSS tooling and indexable tooling. Maybe it is just me, but I can always get a better finish with HSS,
My advice is to use the sizeable wad of money that a decent QCTP will cost and spend it on other real essentials that you will find the need for as you progress. If money is no object then treat yourself to a QCTP system.