Ok, I think I made some progress….Play down from .1mm……….."Spongy/Leaky"……..to .01mm…..more down to …….Zero movement. This is way better than I experienced after doing the following:
1-I took the mciro-adjust assembly with wormwheel off, cleaned it thoroughly, inspect, I don't see problems with gears or play in assembly bearings.
2-I then properly greese the assembly wormwheel, and re-install this mirco-adjust assembly.
3-Now I rechecked, and found no difference, still .1+mm quil locked down.
4-Ok, now I relook at the spring…….Loosen it released…..With Quil locked at home position.
-I then crank it up to where the Quil/spindle move back to home position on its own.
– I then crank the spring further up 4x notches, stasrt to get real difficult.
-I then decided to crank it further up to the full turn, now this was not easy.
5-Ok, now I startet measuring again.
—–I saw/observe some "spongyness/Leaking" of the Dial indicator. Strange.
——-It behaved as I go down through 10mm differently at various depths down.
——–Sometimes I get .01 when I locked the quil, way better but not stable.
Result(Temporarly)=After cranking the quil up and down through the diall indicator 10mm travel, I noticed it became better and more stable.
>——–>My theory:
a)The spring tention play important role, although messing with the micro dial while quill is lock, is a risk, if you unlock the quil will jump to the setting you achived by messing with the micro dial.
b)The Grease:I think the grease I used may have caused the spongy readings initially, and as the greae was displaced on the worm gear it got better from .1mm+/- to .1mm to zero.
So some things to think about is the Spring tention of Quill as well as the Greasing of the worm gear assembly.
This worm gear assemble is all metal.
-Now I have to consider removing the grease all together in the work gear assembly, maybe the thinnest oil I can get…??
This is probably not the end of this, I must also find a way of getting rid of the play as in other mills of the drill stop mechanism, which is not good to begin with.
Edited By Chris Mate on 11/03/2022 15:33:12
Edited By Chris Mate on 11/03/2022 15:34:16
Edited By Chris Mate on 11/03/2022 15:37:22
Edited By Chris Mate on 11/03/2022 15:38:00