Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 21/03/2022 10:19:39:
This is not intended to be unkind, but it seems you know very little about lathework. Most of the kit you have listed is very useful stuff. I would suggest you defer selling anything, until you have learned to use the lathe and have some experience under your belt.
At that stage you will be able to value the items from your newly gained experience, as being useful / non useful. You can then dispose of the stuff that you know you are not going to use. You are lucky to have a fully kitted out lathe to begin with. My first Myford came with nothing but the essentials and it cost me a small fortune to equip it. If you sell the "so called surplus kit" now. You will probably regret it in the future.
+1 to Andrew's advice. Slow down. At this stage of the game BASS has a bunch of mysterious accessories and no idea whether they're useful to him or not!
My advice is benefit from the experience of other Model Engineers. We know when new owners get stuck into using lathes in anger, they usually discover, step by step, a long list of needs beyond the obvious. Then they have to acquire the necessary accessories, and it's often painfully slow and expensive.
BASS has the opposite problem – a complete outfit put together over the years by someone else. Tempting to sell the unwanted bits and pieces, but no-one knows what's unwanted yet. And if stuff is sold on willy-nilly, it's likely to be a while before the mistake is understood. One of the worst things to happen in a workshop is finding hard to find gear should never have been disposed of. The realisation is remarkably unpleasant!
The best person to decide what to keep is BASS, but not today. Next year's BASS will have a much better idea of what should be kept. Experience using the lathe will change his opinions!
There's another game. If BASS has no intention of using the lathe and just wants to make a profit, then the best way of maximising the take is to separate everything out and sell it part by part on an auction site (like ebay). I advise BASS not to tell the forum if he's doing that : profiteering is very unpopular in the Model Engineering community!
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 21/03/2022 11:04:34