Forty years ago, before the general use of rubber bushes for road spring eyes for H,G,V,'s, replacement bushes for A.E.C,, Leyland, Ford were obtained as spare parts. When I was on the shop floor, we normally removed the roadspring from the axle, pressed the old, worn bush out on a hydraulic press, used the press to install the new bushes, and always had to ream the bush to fit the shackle pin with an adjustable reamer. On some vehicles, thrust washers on each side of the eyes had to be renewed also. By coincidence, only yesterday I was boring out some washers for a little job in hand, they were originally made for Bristol bus springs, 1" bore, 1 7/8" outer dia., 5/32" thick. Both faces ground and beautifully made, as were most parts from the Bristol Motor Co. These washers are at least 40 years old.