I use methylated spirits, cheap and also useful around the workshop as a cleaner/ degreaser prior to, eg, loctiting or painting small parts.
Where do you get the cheap methylated spirits from? The cheapest I found was 5L @ £23.45 delivered compared to 5L acetone @ £18.35 (and with no impurities). IPA at prices similar to acetone.
Of course one can make one’s own ethanol cheaply enough but gov frowns on purifying it….
I buy my meths locally at Toolstation / Screwfix £3 for 500ml so, pro rata, similar to your prices, but a bottle lasts memaybe 12 months or more for little outlay.
Where do you get the cheap methylated spirits from? ……………………..
I guess it depends on where you live, but try farmers/agricultural suppliers, often not listed on websites but available over the counter.
I think I paid ten or eleven quid last time for 5 l.
Or maybe somewhere like APC if you live close enough. https://apcpure.com/product/mineralised-methylated-spirits