Posted by Steve355 on 03/11/2021 10:07:00:
I’ve been googling around Trying to find the formula to understand which number I can engage the half nut on for different TPI settings. I’ve been cutting 18 TPI, and it doesn’t seem to matter which number I start on, but then again I can’t get the nut on the thread, so despite the fact it looks okay, maybe I’ve got it wrong.
is there a resource that someone can point me to that would help? I believe my lathe has the same settings as a Myford …
What sort of lathe is it Steve? Dangerous to assume anything, let alone a lathe is the same as another make. It might be, but best to confirm it.
The Thread Indicator shows when the spindle and lead-screw are in the same relative positions. It depends on the change-gear ratio, lead-screw pitch, and the gearing between lead-screw and indicator. As a result, which indicator numbers work vary with TPI. Some will only cut when the indicator = 1, no short-cuts. Easiest way is look them up in a table provided by the manufacturer, and it's often pasted by them to the lathe, or to ask another owner. Confirming yours is the same as a Myford will nail the answer. Otherwise they can be calculated from first principles, which I believe Martin's pdf covers.
Or, as is common practice on metric lathes, back-off the cutter and wind back without disengaging the half-nuts. Slighlty slower than a thread indicator, but it eliminates mistakes.
If the thread indicator is used incorrectly I'd expect the cut thread to be visibly mangled. If not, Tony's comments should help. A lathe-cut thread can be a bit rough straight off the machine and may need a little tidying up before it turns freely. Cone the start and remove any rough edges and loose swarf with a plastic pot scourer. If I have a die of the right size available I always use it to perfect lathe cut threads. The die removes any rubbish and more importantly ensures the thread diameter and depth are both correct: both are tricky to judge by eye. (Looks good, slightly too big…)