Ian Bradley's "The Amateur's Workshop" gives angles for grinding tools, as will many other books on the basics of lathework..
For most materials, 5 to 10 degree clearance angles seem to suffice.
Possibly with a small radius stoned all the way down the front edge, to improve the finish. The rad must go all the way down the edge, or the tool might rub.
Brass seems to be quite happy with minimal Top rake.
It could be argued that the radius should be a little larger than the feed rate per rev, so that the radii cut overlap.
For most of what we do, because of the materials that we use, it probably will not matter if the clearance is a degree or two away from the "ideal"
Maybe, for facing a knife tool ground as a left hand tool and mounted parallel to the axis would do the job.
For light cuts, an ordinary right hand knife tool presented to the work to provide a clearance angle of five degrees to the face would probably perform satisfactorily for light cuts. Deep cuts risk chatter because of the width of the chip being produced.
The Diamond tangential tool has a variety of clearance angles, because of the way in which the tool is oriented, and quite atop rake, but it functions very well, and only needs one face grinding, the other angles being produced by the holder.
Probably more important is keeping things as rigid as possible, so that the angles ground on the tool are those at which the tool is consistently presented to the work.
Some may disagree with some or all of the above. What matters is what works best for you and your machine.