Parting off is difficult because there is so much to go wrong. Higher than normal cutting pressures are applied and the cutter is liable to dip and dig in if there is any flex in the tool or tool-post, or if the saddle can shift, even slightly. Motor and belts are pushed hard, perhaps causing stalls and slippage because the cut requires more power than normal.
Also necessary for the tool to be at a right angle, for lubrication and cooling to be applied, and for swarf to be cleared out of the slot. Cuts have to be applied steadily at just the right rate by the operator because dig-ins and tool-blunting rubbing are likely unless you get the feed spot on.
All these problems multiply with increasing diameter.
Much easier to part-off on a heavy powerful lathe in good condition than a small bendy worn or maladjusted machine. Myfords aren't particularly rigid or powerful and need all the help they can get!
- Avoid parting off difficult materials especially in large diameters. Many Aluminium alloys are 'difficult' because swarf tends to weld to the cutter and blunt it. Any metals that work-harden, such as stainless-steels, are 'difficult'. Necessary to get the feed-rate 'just-so' before parting off. It comes with experience.
- Do everything possible to tighten up the lathe – adjust gibs, lock the saddle, minimise tool over-hang etc.
- Don't mount the parting tool in the top-slide, or even worse, a QCTP. Instead, buy or make a solid rear-mounted tool post, heavier the better. Top-slides and tool-posts are relatively bendy and they put a lever action on the saddle. A 'Gibraltar' tool-post being a short stubby lump mounted directly on the saddle transfers cutting forces straight down and is less likely to twist the saddle on the ways.
- If power cross-feed is available, use it. Power cross-feed is considerably steadier than a human operator.
My mini-lathe was so fiddly at parting off I preferred to saw and tidy up. My WM280 has no such limitations. With power cross-feed it parts-off OK from it's 4-way tool-post, and is almost fool-proof parting with the rear tool-post provided everything is snugged up. If there's going to be trouble it's parting off large diameters, like your 2"…
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 22/10/2021 12:47:48