Posted by John Olsen on 20/10/2021 03:41:56:
The end product from making acetylene with calcium carbide is calcium hydroxide. This is pretty harmless stuff and occurs naturally anyway. It is used in food preparation (E526)
Probably not used quite as much these days, but farmers spread lime on soils as a pH regulator. I used to (almost daily) have a chat with the lime kin operator, when collecting the daily sample for testing (around 1970). He had a very ruddy complexion which, at the time, I thought was likely due to his working environmrnt.
Production, back then, was by calcining high grade chalk with coal in a vertical gravity kiln/furnace and hydrating the resultant calcium oxide as it slowly traversed a (largish) screw with water sprayed on. I expect it is produced in gas-fired horizontal tube kilns with cyclone preheaters, these days. Powders, not lumps of chalk, in a ‘relatively’ dust-free environment these days compared to the method back in the middle of the last century.
Edited By not done it yet on 20/10/2021 06:58:54