First of all let me thank every one of you for the informative feedback.
After spending a number of hours this afternoon giving the lathe a closer inspection I can say the following:
Yes, there is that little bit of play in the backgear toggle, but like I said it doesn’t seem to affect anything and if it really bugs me in the future I can always add in that gob of heavy grease (thank you Mark Barron) or else jam in a piece of toothpick to (?) take up the play. That backgear toggle works very crisply and I suspect its spring is plenty strong enough to prevent it from spinning outwards at high(er) speeds. Thank you Martin for suggesting that I should check it out.
After cleaning some old, accumulated swarf from out of those three holes and testing with some drill shanks I am fairly satisfied that all are threaded the same… which Rod Renshaw indicates as being ¼” BSF. On the strength of that I’ll order those screws and (gently) try them out for size.
Fowler’s suggestion of replacing the standard V-belts with segmented link-belts sounds interesting. If one were to do so the following questions come to mind…
- Which size segmented belt is correct for the Super 7?
- Does one change just the belt running from the jack shaft to the lathe or the motor belt as well?
- Does running a segmented belt in reverse cause problems in practice? Here I’m referencing the need to run the motor both forward and reverse for threading.
Anyway, I’m going to hold off for the moment as the standard V-belts appear to be in very good condition. Truth to tell, I ran a few test cuts today and the machine is already so much quieter relative to the old ML-10 that I’m not sure I even need extra sound/vibration dampening. Perhaps time and use will change my opinion on that one.
And now some other observations…
About that "zero-able" dial on the carriage hand wheel, I haven’t a clue as to why one of the previous owners put that there. It can be used for measured cuts, but my own preference would be the hand wheel at the end of the leadscrew which gives much more control.
I’ll have to take a closer look at whatever size of bolts are used for securing the lathe to the table. I had a (very) brief look at them while we disassembled and reassembled everything for the move from the seller’s place to mine. They appeared to be of sufficient size for purpose, but I would agree that ‘as large as possible’ is probably best here.
I took the time to put a dial test indicator on the spindle. My indicator has a precision of 0.01 mm ( 0.00039” ) and the needle didn’t move at all when I measured for runout on the outside of the spindle register behind the threading. Same result when measuring inside the spindle taper… the needle didn’t budge.
Amongst the tooling that came with the lathe was a set of Myford collets that fit in the spindle taper. I chucked up a new 10mm milling cutter and put the dial test indicator on its shank. The needle on my dial test indicator merely “breathed”. Naturally, I’m quite chuffed with these results.
Oh and, yes, now that I have such a nice lathe it is probably time to move that grinder to some other location… just to be safe. Of course, I tend to do some angle grinding work as well as a touch of woodworking and such in my garage so a really good cover for the lathe is also on the “must obtain” list.