Hi all
For a few weeks I’ve been working on my “metalwork corner” project in my shed. I got hold of an old Zyto lathe and a Dore Westbury mk 1 from eBay, and refurbed them, refurbed an eBay stand for the lathe and welded up a stand for the mill, added switches and wiring etc etc. I’m at the point now that they are basically working, although I need to make a missing part for the fine feed on the mill, and some vise jaws.
Now I need to set the machines up. I have some experience of doing this on the lathe – aligning tailstock, checking runout, etc but none really on the mill. I watched a few YouTube videos which were helpful.
Are there any checklists that explain the procedures and tolerances expected for these level of machines? E.g.
“1. Check spindle runout with dial gauge, expected tolerance 0.0005
2.”’ etc.
That would make life easier and reduce guesswork.
Can’t wait to get to actually use my new toys for projects!
Edited By JasonB on 23/09/2021 07:03:18