OOooer.. ..well, a faint ray of hope occurs to me – one of the peculiarities of the Hobbymat is that the topslide and crosslide dovetails share the same dimensions, so a cross slide 'body' will fit on the topslide 'base' – in fact, the topslide body is just a sawn-off cross slide body with different holes drilled in the top of it, and reversed (even the gib-screw holes line up correctly).. ..if you set one on top of the other so that the gib-holes line up you will see what I mean…
Tony Griffiths seems to have some cross-slides, but will charge you… Hobbymat Prazimat Topslide Casting…
Heritage Lathes will charge you a bit less for this one from his Ebay shop.. (I've dealt with him, seems a reasonable human being for an Ebay vendor)
Heritage Lathes Ebay Imperial cross slide
..hope the link works.. ..I don't think you need to worry about the Imperial feedscrew, but I guess you might want to check the slide dimensions with him just to be sure..
You'll still have to do some drilling and milling, but I see you have an offer of help..