Posted by JasonB on 18/08/2021 19:42:16:
But so would the capacity of the engine have gone down by the cube law. Or is the momentum to the 4th power?
I expect your traction engine flywheel is quiet close to 1/4 the diameter of the full size………….
I think momentum goes down by the fourth power. Consider angular momentum which is:
radius x mass x angular velocity
If we assume a scaled flywheel, and the same rpm, the mass goes down as a cube law and the angular velocity (radians per second) stays the same. But the radius goes down linearly. So overall the angular momentum scales roughly as the fourth power.
I'm pretty sure my flywheels are close to 1/3 scale, the rim looks pretty thin although they seem to be roughly scale compared to pictures of the full size engines.
Ramon: I agree that the medium behaviour doesn't scale. That could explain why an engine that is significantly smaller than full size, say a tenth or less, might have a problem with scale ports/pipes.