Hit and miss engine


Hit and miss engine

Home Forums Beginners questions Hit and miss engine

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    Michael Brett 1

      Hello all

      After building many steam engines , both stationary and locomotives, I would like to try something a little different. I have searched on the internet for plans to build a hit and miss engine but to no avail . Has anybody had experience of these engines or know of a source of instructions to help me on my way. I don't think I can run to a set of castings but would prefer to build from bar stock.

      Cheers Mike

      Michael Brett 1

        plans or book to build hit and miss engine


          Hi Michael,

          I've a set of plans and instructions for 'little Angel' a hit and miss gas engine by Bob Shores sitting here doing nothing. It's a 4 stroke governer controlled 2.5 inch flywheel, no castings required. Yours for free if you'd like the plans/instructions.


          Edited By Squint on 16/07/2021 16:40:50


            Jerry Howell does the "Farmboy" engine plans which are for a barstock engine that will actually look like it was from castings.

            Model Engine Builder Mag will sell digital back issues two of which contain drawings for the "Zero-six" which can be made to look more like it was from castings if it is a bit too much like a barstock engine such as mine. They also have plans/articles for teh Gem & Finney engines

            Although not strictly a hit and miss engine the "webster" is a popular first open crank IC design that can be found on the web. The Kerzel is also quite popular and a small H&M engine that plans can be found for.

            Might be a bit much for a first hit and miss but the J&E Junior plans are free to download

            Depending on how much effort you want to put in then a lot of the engines from castings can also be done by fabrication if you are that way inclined.


            Edited By JasonB on 16/07/2021 17:08:57


              Hello Michael,

              Have a look at Andrew Whale's You tube channel "Learning Turning Metal". He's built two (just finishing the second) including the Jerry Howell's Farm Boy engine mentioned by Jason.

              Good luck!

              Michael Brett 1

                Many thanks for replies

                John PM sent.

                Regards Mike

                Ramon Wilson

                  Mike – if it's not too late you might like to cast your eye over this free design by David Kerzel – here

                  I haven't made it myself but a good friend has scaled it up a bit (4" flywheels I think) and it runs very well indeed.

                  Hope that's of use


                  Edited By Ramon Wilson on 16/07/2021 20:00:14


                    If you come across a copy of "The shop wisdom of Philip Duclos" it has plans for the 'Odds and Ends' engine that Andrew Whale has just finished as well as several other hit and miss engines, and others besides.

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