I have somewhat similar problems on my ML7 with engaging the half-nuts, and if it doesn't engage neatly I kock it straight out of wherever it has stopped and try the next number or iteration.
It is just possible to clean and lubicate the mechanism fairly well without removing the apron, by taking the lever off and operating pins out. The lower half-nut can then be winkled out downwards. I washed the remaining innards with liberal squirts of WD-40 (which is not a lubricant), wiping what I could with a small brush and paper towels from under the apron; then lubricated the lot liberally with oil. It helped but I still have that trip effect so will examine the indicator alignment as suggested above – for which thank you.
I note suggestions to "re-align" the leadscrew. Any axial adjustment will simply take up end-float on the screw itself, and although that might help, it disguises the real mis-alignment.
Instead the half-nuts are adjusted by a small screw with lock-nut on the end faces of the apron.Not the lead-screw.
If you think about it the relative position along the machine of the saddle and screw is not important so adjusting the lead-screw will merely kick the saddle down the road, to paraphrase…
What matters is the mutual alignment of the two half-nuts, then the alignment of the indicator marks so they agree with the half-nuts and the screw.
On mine the stud holding the cam to the apron was working loose in the apron thread, and that won't help matters, by introducing a lot of slop.