RCD and NVR are different safety devices.
No Volt Release switches trip OFF when the power input fails, and have to be reset manually. Their purpose is to stop machines starting on their own after a power-cut. Cutting tools are particularly dangerous if this happens, both to the operator who might have his hand in the cutting path whilst investigating the stoppage, and to the work if the machine restarts in an unknown position after stalling. Not all machines need an NVR. Many, like Immersion Heaters or TVs, don't need an NVR because they restart safely after power cuts.
A Residual Current Device detects Earth faults, and are sensitive enough to trip when a human has connected himself between live and earth and is being electrocuted. A multitude of faults cause earth faults: age damaged insulation, accidentally cut wires, wires falling out of loose terminal blocks, switches falling apart, maintenance mistakes, component failures and much else. RCDs and Fuses are similar except fuses take a lot longer to blow. They often take so long to blow that a fatal shock is delivered, where an RCD wouldn't. Other advantages, RCDs can be reset without fiddling with new fuse cartridges or fuse wire – many people fit the wrong size – and the RCD doesn't depend on the house having a good earth. Many domestic electrical earths are poor; a spike bashed into indifferent ground, or a strap on an old water pipe that may have been connected to a plastic main since the house was built, or even strap connections to an ancient rising gas main. Domestic earths worsen over time due to corrosion and earth wires within the building are subject to damage.
NVRs are highly recommended for machine tools and it is illegal to sell new ones without them.
RCDs are safer and more convenient than fuses. An RCD Consumer Unit is safer than a fuse box, and it's worth fitting an individual RCD to mains electric power tools especially in the garden. Most modern reel-type extension leads have one built-in, or they can be bought as a plug-in adaptor.
There is a disadvantage when RCDs protect equipment fitted with an electronic drive, like a VFD. Electronic drives are fitted with a filter designed to stop electronic muck from getting in or out of the equipment. The filter works by shorting the muck to earth causing a current balance at the RCD, possibly big enough to trip it. In an average home almost every device has some form of filter, and these can add up enough to trip an RCD. I suspect plugging in a big motor with a hefty VFD in a home workshop is often the straw that breaks the camel's back! It's not necessarily the VFD at fault. When a workshop trips the RCD, it's worth unplugging everything else in the house to see if that eliminates the problem. If it does, plug stuff back in one at a time in hope of isolating the troublemaker. It may be that one particular device has a leaky filter and is already bringing the RCD close to tripping point. Someone on the forum, I forget who, identified their microwave oven as the real problem.
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 03/07/2021 11:43:16