Hi all,
Sorry to jump in with both feet here but – I'm considering jumping in with both feet! My names John Edge and I've been a railway modeller in the smaller scales for the past 37 of my 47 years!
I've had a long term love affair with the GWR and steam locos in general to the extent of owning an 0 gauge live steamer and was contemplating gauge 3 (2 1/2"
at several times! I'm a member of Manchester Model Railway Society and have been involved with our display at the Northern modelling exhibition (this w/e!) where I have been seriously introduced to large scale modelling! Sorry to mention this (banned?) show but this is where all this happened!
I'm particularly captivated by a GWR 42XX 2-8-0 loco in 5" gauge, especially as the current owner says it will negotiate 16' radius curves, meaning I could actually build an oval of track in my garden to run it on! I'm becoming rather besotted with this loco, hence my haste in researching it!
I hate being ripped off in any way but I have seen some prices of 5" gauge stuff at around £20K so in terms of that – this loco is reasonable (less than half!) BUT – I am very, very green indeed!
I have next to no real engineering experience although I am capable enough to have been able to start producing my own graphite tools business, milling blocks of graphite with a brand new (self taught) CNC desktop milling machine, I am a fairly capable modeller but I appreciate that 'model railways' is a big jump from 'model engineering'.
My questions;
Does anyone think that this loco is worth the asking price (below £10K)?
Does anone think that a newbie shouldn't jump in with such a loco?
I must add that building the track to run this on, won't be too much of a problem, I have the space and the finances (given that I will cancel a different project!).
Many, many thanks indeed if you've read this far and for any responses whatsoever! I will listen even if you say I'm completely mad to consider this!
Thanks again,
John E.
Edited By John Edge 1 on 02/03/2012 23:46:34