That's not really an either/or question.
Oxy Propane is a high temperature, but localised flame, and can cause issues by melting tubes or tube plates if not used carefully while propane is a slightly cooler flame, but bigger and with a lot more heat capacity.
I would suggest that an oxy propane kit is something useful to have in the workshop for brazing as against silver soldering, but for more heat on a boiler a second propane is probably a better bet and is half the price of the oxy kit. Many of the older designs were produced on the understanding that paraffin blowlamps were to be used and these produced a flame similar to propane not oxy.
If you use a large propane bottle you may be able to get away with using a t-piece with both torches but if you use a small one a second bottle, or exchanging yours for the largest the rules your gas supplier allows might be an idea. A mate to hold the second torch is probably essential too. In my experience do not ask a significant other or partner – just don't ask me how I know!!
But before you try any of these suggestions what burner are you using? – the standard Sievert one is good, but they do a lot of others with far higher outputs and one of these may be the answer.
If you intend to silver solder your firebox stays a cyclone burner could be useful as well.
Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 16/05/2021 15:26:51