Leaning a bit to one side will cause the nutcracker to traverse so you can make longer knurls.
A bit of a knack to it, especially if your knurls are sharp edged rather than having a slight bevel, as the edge can dig in a touch producing random lines. Most likely if you get a bit heavy handed. Takes several passes to get a full depth knurl.
Main disadvantage is that the depth setting is a bit iffy. I just do it by eye.
Obviously not for harder materials, light alloy and the ordinary range of steels are fine but anything a bit obdurate needs too much squeezing.
Drawings for one like mine were published in Model Engineer, 29 January 1999.
The American Magazine Popular Mechanics published a more man sized version in May 1965. Google books link to the article here :-
**LINK** , . Have to work off the screen as it can't (I think) be printed. Link found by MichaelG in a previous thread.
Can be found on Archive.Org too so download is possible but very slow.
Edited By Clive Foster on 18/04/2021 11:44:50