Hi Clive.
Clive and David are setting you off with a good start. Sievert probably have the widest range of burners to satisfy your needs and suit your requirements.
Start by getting a variable 2 – 4 bar regulator and a 2941 burner. At 2 bar this will generate approx 7.5 kw. Wind it up to 4 bar and you will get 14 kw. That little bit of extra heat is a useful bonus.
Gas consumption is approx 600 and 1200 gm per hour. These are useful figures as they will enable you to make an informed decision on the size of cylinder you require or may have to hump around!
Knowing the tare weight of the cylinder will enable you to determine how much longer tho cylinder will last.
For lighter work, set the regulator to 2 bar and fit a 3941 burner. All sievert burners have the same thread and as such are interchangeable. The 3941 burner will generate 3 kw of heat using 240 gm of gas per hour.
Two burners for the price of a cyclone burner with the ability to create better, more controlled heat patterns to encourage the capillary flow that is essential for the production of good, strong leak free joints.
How much hose do you want?
Fit a necktube about 150mm long. It keeps the hand away from the heat yet still offers good control. All necktubes are interchangeable.
In my experience, most model engineers opt for a simple no frills handle ie one that has to be relit with each use and does not have a pilot light facility. They are cheaper.
Over to you.
Do you want a kit or buy individual pieces. I suspect that you will do both!
Hopefully you now have some ideas as to establishing your requirements and can ask your supplier the relevant questions to determine what is the best for you.
But Sievert is the way to go.