Even the professionals don't always have it easy.
A friend who is, recounted to me once trying to replace a customer's toilet cistern. His normal, local but major-chain outlet could not oblige – "We don't stock that type, I'm afraid".
Pete – "What? There must be thousands of them around Yeovil! "
Builders'-Merchant bloke – "I know that, you know that; but Head Office doesn't and says we have to sell those ones" – pointing to a high shelf laden with dusty, cobwebby cisterns.
Don't remind me, Dave…
My society used to rent a delightfully ramshackle workshop that had no water supply or drainage (so plastic containers, and luxuriant brambles); but did have a 3-phase supply.
One evening I switched on a bench-drill – flash! bang! 3ph fuse blown.
By the time the two of us present had replaced the fuse, we'd re-ground a damaged screwdriver on a1ph grinder so we could mend the faulty step-ladder so we could reach the steel conduit so trace and replace the faulty wire… then we locked up and went to the pub.
Without drilling the hole.