The saddle on my 1971 S7 does not cut square when the gib's are adjusted up.
From reading up on here this is not uncommon and there is a fix by converting it to a wide guide. This involved machining back or off the shorter inner saddle guide so the saddle runs on the 2 outer most shears.
I have fixed this problem on my lathe without any machining work and it seams to work great so I am worried that I have missed something or I am going to damage the lathe.
All I did was loosen the gib screws off and insert two 0.4mm feeler gauge blades one on either side of the saddle in between the saddle and the and the rear most vertical sheer. Re tighten the gib screws and hey presto jobs a good un or so it would seam.
The only issue is that the feeler gauges can slip out but that is easily fixed.
My question is. Is this a bad idea? Can this increase ware on the shear more than the saddle running directly would. What have I missed.
This seams like such a simple solution and it seams to have worked, but any advice and guidance is much appreciated
Edited By JDS on 01/03/2021 11:47:32