I’ve have 4 dro readouts on one of my mills. The normal 3 axis (in one unit) is probably better (cheaper/ axis) than a separate third one, as a later add-on.
4 on mine because it has a quill and knee. I usually use the knee, not the quill, if possible (apart from multiple drillings to depth). The quill readout is a stand-alone reader, so separate to the main unit.
All that said, nearly all the ‘extras’ from a comprehensive dro are for the horizontal plane – bolt circles etc. I most certainly don’t use my dro to its full capacity – by a huge amount. Some may know if they use the z axis for any complex cutting, but I don’t.
The other mill has a cheaper 3 axis readout (It does not have a quill). Not as precise as the other unit but does all I really need most of the time (the readings can ’wander’ by 0.02mm on occasions).
I have a Warco 2 axis readout on my lathe. This one (single axis one shown?):
Perfectly adequate for my use and very stable readings, but only to two decimal places (and less absolute accuracy, of course). I prefer the full readout, with all the bells and whistles, for the mill.
Your choice. £20 quid extra for that third axis on the readout is likely cheaper than adding a third later (all asuming the new stock is the same price🙂 ).
I believe there are now some readouts that can combine two different scales on the same axis (quill + knee on a mill or long travel + tailstock for a lathe) – but not from Warco.