Hi all, my first ever “thread” and a complete newbie so hopefully this is not too stupid a way to start!
I inherited some tools, some of which had seen better days, some with surface rust, grime, and some with more serious pitted rust etc.
I have a small gritblasting setup and restored an alloy Eclipse hacksaw so that it looks like new, together with some basic jigs (e.g. drill sharpening). None of these so far, are “precision” items but next on my list are a set of Angles, and a rusty surface plate.
My question is whether this type of treatment ruins precision surfaces (I’m assuming it would ruin/blunt any cutting surfaces) and to what degree. Would it render a surface plate, lathe bed, angles, slip gauges useless? Also how to protect delicate surfaces if I decide to remove paint from non-precision surfaces to re-paint and to bring to an as-new condition.
There seems to be a lot of old tools on eBay etc. Some are in a poor state, but surely restoring is better than buying from new, better for environment etc as long as the process isn’t more damaging
(I admit I’m also being a bit lazy in avoiding Emery paper and wire wool (and associated elbow grease) but these are also potentially damaging if done over-zealously!)
I’d appreciate thoughts/views and advice from anyone with this kingpin of experience.
Thanks G