I am just interested to know what the general consensus is to the value of the machine in terms of cost? I don't want to overpay for it!
I would say it is around what it is worth at the current price (£447), though I was a bit suprised to see Machine Mart want nearly £1400 for them now – they used to be around half that when I first looked at them. And £447 is more than I would want to pay for one, even with the "extras".
I toyed with the idea of the Chester (MF42B ? ) version before I got my late father's Boxford – Chester in their early days didn't offer much more than that model & touted it at classic motorcyle shows, which is where I saw one. As MM used to send me "Vat Free" vouchers, I gave one of the showroom CL500Ms a close looking at with a view to buying with the voucher and that put me right off. It felt worn out when new – everything was loose, with a lot of backlash present. Finish of machined and painted parts was poor. Lowest spindle speed was high (160 rpm IIRC) which, coupled to a permanently connected leadscrew (no half nuts, no rack & pinion saddle drive) looked like it would make for "interesting" screwcutting. General concensus appears to be that the "milling head" is a waste of space – the only thing I recall about it was that it didn't have graduations on the quill fine feed. A substantial raising block is sold as an accessory to raise the vice to somewhere near the spindle, which I don't recall seeing in the listing pictures.
I dare say there are people out there doing good work on them, but I have been unable to find anyone who has put up a decent review with examples of what they have managed to do. Going to have a look rather than buying unseen would be a good move.
Nigel B.
ps. If you do decide to buy it, I could do you a good deal on a fixed steady. I bought one with a view to modifying it to suit the Boxford, as Boxford fixed steadies were like rocking horse poo. I ended up swapping the Boxford for my current Super 7 before that project got sorted, so the un-molested steady is still in a cupboard.
Edited By mgnbuk on 21/12/2020 16:28:25