Evening all, hope we'll and safe,
Excuse my absence (France, without a machine
. and thank you all for the deep hole drilling advice, I have it down to a tee 
I'm after a bit of "what would you have done extra/done different" advice whilst replacing the bearings seeming the machine is going to be in bits.
Firstly Should I go angular contact or taper? I pretty happy with the machine, chunks out free machining, 1mm cuts no problem. My aim really is to improve finish (which is not acceptable in my opinion) and hopefully quite it down a bit. When the rpm's are cranked up it doesn't fill me with confidence!
Also in relation to finish and generally making the machine more smooth would I benefit from changing the running gear from toothed drive (which I'm not a fan of) to a v belt system? I'm not talking an external stepper arrangement just replacing the motor and spindle pullies. I have no idea if this even possible I haven't had the machine apart yet.
On a side note I fabbed up a 12v tool post drill today thank you member Neil Wyatt for the idea.
On a side note
Edited By woody1 on 29/09/2020 20:14:03