Scraping is the classic application of Engineering Blue paste but it's good for identifying any area of poor fit, like checking tapers, or confirming a gib is pressing evenly. A small tin lasts forever.
It's possible to make a 3rd rate layout blue substitute from paste by dissolving it in Meths. Inferior to real Layout fluid and felt-tip, but handy in a pinch.
Before layout blue, steel was dipped in slightly acidified Copper Sulphate solution, which deposits a thin layer of Copper on the surface. Works quite well, but fussy. Dipping tanks take up space and the chemicals are a mild hazard. Mostly I use felt tips. Decent brands work better than pound shop cheapies, but it's not critical
All layout fluids need a clean surface – remove oil first.
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 17/09/2020 09:56:08