Posted by Robin Graham on 06/09/2020 00:34:16:
I started boring with a 0,4mm tip CCMT insert at 200rpm with 0,2 mm/rev feed, and an 0,5mm DOC. All went smoothly until I got to about 40mm diameter, when horrible chattering set in.
I get my inserts from Cutwel and live by thier recommended feeds/speeds/depths of cut using anything between the min and max recommended depending on the strength of the setup and part, but almost never outside of this.
You are perhaps not by coincidence running almost a similar speed/feed to what I would use on my NC5330 coated CCMT tips (I use Korloy CCMT09T308-HMP) – keeping in mind I'm on a Colchester with 20mm tooling.
Feed's are recommended 0.1-0.3mm/rev, …..check
DOC 0.5-3.0mm ….. check…. but 0.75-1.00mm might solve your problem if your lathes up to it.
However…… 200rpm………I would be aiming between 130-300 meters/min surface speed, you're under 30! As you approach 40mm you want to be SLOWING down to around 1000rpm (=130m/min) – if the chips aren't purple and bouncing off the ceiling, you're not doing it right…..
Worth noting…. my colchester has an automatic cutoff on the depth, so I can let it loose at 1000rpm&0.2mm/rev fairly care free, my Myford 280 has a graduated handweel on the saddle, when things are moving fast I mark the depth on the mm scale with big bright bold marker so I cut the feed when I get to the depth, requires concentration, and a knack……
Edited By Russ B on 07/09/2020 13:00:04
Edited By Russ B on 07/09/2020 13:03:30