+1 for Mike Crossfield's list of "bits to make" All will be useful, as tools, and as learning aids.
Again +1 for Sparey, and for Tubal Cain's Model Engineer's handbook as a very useful reference book.
In particular, Sparey will show how to remove twist from the bed, and how to sharpen Highn Speed Tools,
At the risk of bringing wrath down on my head, carbide tips may be less suitable for a ML10.
Also HSS will be cheaper than replaceable carbide tips. I am still using the same HSS parting blade after 20 myears. My useage of carbide tip parting blades was an expensive experience. Others may well disagree.
One last hobby horse to ride, a Tangential Turning Tool needs only one face to, be ground to sharpen, and can be used for facing or turning. Really, you need a Centre Height Gauge to ease setting the tool to Centre height.
(Already one of the "learning" tools comes into its own, and will for years to come. A tool that is not on Centre Height will not cut properly and will leave a "pip" in the middle of the work when facing.)
You can buy, or make your own Tangential Turning Tool. At least two designs have been published in MEW over the years..
Another advantage of HSS is that you can grind tools to a particular shape ( form ) for screwcutting or a special job. Recently, I used a variant of a Tangential Turning Tool, with a 1/8" round HSS toolbit, to cut a semicircular thread!
If it is possible to fit one, make up a rear toolpost, for parting off.
Cut up tins for use as shims to adjust the height of tool holder shanks. (A lot of tins seem to made of metal that is about 0.010" thick. broken feeler gauges can serve the same purpose )
As time goes by, and you gain experience, you can buy others from the Workshop Practice Series,
When you eventually graduate to screwcutting No.3, Martin Cleeve's "Screwcutting in the Lathe" and Brian Wood's "Gearing of lathes for screwcutting" will be useful.
Hope that all this rambling will be of some help.
Unintended Smilies don't make me smile
Edited By Howard Lewis on 12/10/2020 14:36:41