Chris Tick Tock,
I hope you did not think I was being smart or rude with my reply, this was not my intention.
The reason I mentioned Sparey,s book is because, like you, I had little or no idea regarding cutting speeds/materials ect, but this book explains it all in plain terms. If it is now out of print, more,s the pity, since it,s a goldmine of information for beginners [like me ] No doubt there are many other good book available, I just never felt the need to look any further than this one since it seems to cover almost everything.
No doubt others here will advise you on the subject but the speeds given by Sparey are ;
Stainless Steel 50ft per min
Carbon Steel 60
Cast Iron,, Mild Steel Wrought Iron 80 ft per min
Brass 200
Aluminium and its Alloys 300.
To calculate revs Cutting speed divided by quarter of work diameter= r-p-m
Sorry if I sounded like a Smart-Arse, that is far from the case, I can assure you !