Posted by Chris TickTock on 05/07/2020 18:25:39:
Posted by JasonB on 05/07/2020 18:19:40:
Posted by Chris TickTock on 05/07/2020 18:02:53:
… I note it is easy to find more steel components in the states…we should support our steel industry but I had better watch it I'm becoming political. …
Nothing wrong with being patriotic but never ignore uncomfortable realities! One is that Brits would have to buy an enormous amount of steel to make a difference.
In 2019, the UK made 7,200,000 metric tons of steel, about a million tons more than Holland, and slightly less than Egypt. At 87.9MT the USA was the fourth largest producer of steel in 2019 after Japan (99.3MT), India (111.2MT), and China who made a whopping 996.3 million tons, about half the worlds' steel (1869.9M) To put that in context, China made more steel in the last 3 years than the entire UK steel industry since the industrial revolution.
Bringing British Steel up to Chinese levels would need every man, woman and child in the UK to buy about 16 tons each year forever, and they'd have to buy it whatever the cost. Producing that quantity of steel in the UK would require massive investment of money and land in steelworks, and seaports. It would very difficult to mass produce steel competitively because today most of the Iron Ore, Scrap and Coal has to be imported. Not much coal or iron ore left underground in the UK.
Patriotism isn't the reason more steel products are available in the USA. It's simply there's a bigger market for them, partly 330Million people vs 67M, partly because of what they manufacture. In general, big markets result in more choice and lower costs, and the USA is big.
British steel is unattractive to model makers for another reason. Like many other steel producing countries, Britain has shifted away from mass production of cheap carbon-steels into making high-quality alloy steels for specialised purposes. One example is railway lines where the steel must be strong, reliable, weldable and extremely wear resistant. Likewise special steels for lightweight bridges, pressure and corrosion resistant chemical plant, turbines, oil rigs and other highly demanding applications. These steels are expensive, high-quality and mostly useless in a home workshop.
Supporting local industry and services may be good politics but always check the reality – emotional decisions are often expensive mistakes. I'm divorced!