Posted by Chris TickTock on 30/06/2020 09:11:54:
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 29/06/2020 21:42:26:
Thanks Dave, i got that far myself…
Good, means you've 'clicked' so the rest should follow. Sorry if patronising but I'll show all the steps in case any are new.
Last post left QCAD with 3 circles as the hub and rim of a wheel.
Next button to know is Reset/Idle under 'File'. It goes back up a level. Press it to get back to civilization:

To draw a spoke we need a Line Tool, top right:

Pressing it shows them in the left-pane:

The first four are common cases. The first, draw a line between any two points is most used. Draw a line connecting the two inner circles.

It's a construction line to be deleted later. (Construction lines are often put on a Layer. Simple drawings can happily be done on one layer, but more are great for complicated work. Drawing a wheel template is simple, layers not needed.)
Next press the parallel line button (Red & Black lines like an H):

It makes parallel copies of a selected line, distance set in a dialogue:

Use it to create parallels either side of the construction line.

The construction can be deleted leaving a single crude spoke. Next rotate and copy around the wheel. This is done with a modification tool, selected by pressing the red pencil button.

Press the rotate button, top right. It rotates and optionally copies selected objects around a point, here the wheel centre. More than one line is selected by clicking with the Shift key down.

The rotate dialogue:

Do multiple copies, say 5. Also set the Angle (a) to 360/5 & press OK

OK but not pretty. The spokes can be rounded with another mod tool:

Spoke ends can be rounded to a set radius:

Tidying up can be done with the Mod delete tools. The easiest is only in the Pro Version – 'Break Out Segment' deletes a line between two lines, making it straightforward to clean up the spoke. Worth paying for.

I rotated straight spokes and tidied up after. Better to draw one spoke correctly first and to copy the others from it. Once a single spoke has been drawn any reasonable number may be coped and equally spaced around the hub.
Hope it makes sense?