Well I’ll chuck in a couple of thoughts.
-Possible risk of hardspots due to parts of the casting cooling too rapidly.Not something you can spot straight away, there are ways around it and a good supplier may well replace a defective casting
-Risk of rust in the cylinder if left with condensate in them
-Some people don’t like the dirty nature of the material when machined, does not bother me.
-Easier to work than GM as it does not grab when drilling or tapping
– Less expensive
-Less risk of corrosion
– Softer material which can easily be marked by chuck jaws or over clamping
– Can grab when drilling and needs a sharp tap to avoid problems when threading
– Expensive compared to iron
– Unlikely to have hard spots
– Probably less abrasive on “O” rings than iron
Iron on iron is not a problem but GM on GM could cause gauling, however the piston does not actually touch the cylinder wall, it will have a littel clearance and the O ring will be whats in contact with the cylinder not the actual piston. So in this situation it does not really matter if the metals are alike or disimilar.