Since the Saddle moves when the handwheel is rotated, the half nuts would seem to be engaging with the Leadscrew. So it sounds as if the power is not being transmitted from the Mandrel to the Leadscrew.
I would suggest starting at the Mandrel, and checking, one stage at a time, through the tumbler reverse, the gear train into the gearbox, through the gearbox and then to the Leadscrew, in each ratio of the gearbox.
Does the problem exist in all gearbox ratios?
Somewhere along the line, you should find a part that is not transmitting enough torque for the Leadscrew to drive the saddle along the bed.
It may be a gear that lacks one or more teeth, not secured to the shaft, (Sheared key or loose /missing grubscrew ), gear not engaging, or a failed shear pin.
IF the problem only exists when one gearbox ratio is engaged then the problem will lie within the gearbox and the gears that provide that ratio. If that is the case then you need to investigate the gearbox.