Hi everyone,
I’d like to introduce myself. I’m from the “dark side”. A woodworker, wanting to start up in clockmaking and model engineering. I know very little about the subject but have followed a number of feeds on this site and I thought I should join to get more specific advice. I hope you will forgive my ignorance and bear with me whilst I get up to speed.
My priority at the moment is getting the right lathe. I’ve researched micro lathes, Cowells, Sherline and Peatol. I like the Cowells 90ME and CW. The latter seems a lathe well suited to making small clocks but, perhaps not as appropriate for model making, so I would probably go for an ME, which may not be optimised for clockmaking but would give me flexibility. I am concerned that I may not be able to make the larger wheels on a Cowells e.g. that on the sort of clock featured in the Clickspring series of videos “How To Make A Clock In The Home Machine Shop”. I’m due to look at a used Cowells 90CW this week which has loads of accessories and the asking price of £2,250. It’s in good condition except for some marks on the bed which may or may not be a problem. I would welcome any comments on this lathe and micro lathes generally.
My other option is to buy something like a Warco WM250V with all the bells and whistles. It’s a bit large for my work area but looks like a goos machine for the price £2,500 delivered. My only concern about the Warco is it’s level of accuracy for making small clock parts. This is the essence on y dilemma, Do I buy a Cowells that may not be big enough to make the larger items in clockmaking or, but a Warco that may be too big and sloppy to make small gears and pinions. I appreciate that the obvious solution would be to buy both.
The Cowells is perfect in many ways, it’s small and manageable and has all the clockmaking accessories that I need. The accessories alone have a catalogue value of £2,700. The Warco is big, very heavy and just the starting point for expenditure.
Finally, I wonder if anyone could provide a list of accessories for clockmaking on a lathe. Do I need a milling attachment, indexers, dividing machines, I’m a bit confused and my clockmaking book doesn’t arrive until next week!
Any help will be much appreciated.