Hi Dave, Guys,
It was not understanding slitting saws that caused a jam up when cutting aluminium on the mill, destroying the teeth on the plastic gear.
If I have to do a longish cut in any material I prefer to use the bandsaw. Otherwise its slow and steady with lots of lube. Trying to do a cut in one go doesn't take into account that as you cut the stresses in the material tend to cause the blade to become trapped. The slit closes up, the material twists and all sorts of weird things happen.
As an example, I milled a long 8 mm wide slot 10 mm deep in a piece of material, about 12 mm from one edge. Lovely cut no issues at all. Until I came to refit the workpiece. The slot had opened up and the outer edge had twisted several mm, preventing the piece from fitting back into the frame of the slide.