Forget the instant gasket,goes off quickly,most is usually wasted and expensive ,also instant gasket goes everywhere inside when squeezed and has been known to bung up oilways and get to places where it should not be, Comments like get with times and use modern sealants,its better to use methods that were available at the time of manufacture,though unfortuneatly some of the best sealants are no longer manufactured,ie Osotite,the various Hermatites,not because they were no goodbut because our engineering industries have collapsed the the demand disappeared,plus cars are now so reliable ,very few people take their cars or motorbikes to bits and repair them.A solution to the end plate sealing is to aquire some .5 mm gasket paper from a motor factor,our local factor sells gasket paper which is very tough and does not tear quickly,and and seal each side with blue hylomar,or do what garage mechanics do smear the gasket with grease, In my youth I thought using grease was not good practice as I had been shown to use Osotite and either gasket paper or if the machined surfaces were in good condition just Osotite with no gasket on machine tools.Years later I was involved with a friend who supplied recon motor parts to the trade ,mainly commercial water pumps and steering gears and he fitted thousands of thin paper gaskets smeared with ordinary light grease,with no complaints about leaks. On machine tools the faces to be sealed must be clean and flat and no burrs around the edges,rubb an oilstone over the surface,Leaks can be caused by areas around tapped holes where the holes were not sufficiently counter sunk prior to tapping and tightening the bolt causes the theads to lift a few thou and stop the mating plate sitting down, also there can be muck and old sealant around the base of studs which again can prevent the mating part from seating .to clean the muck from around a stud i use the point of a three cornered scraper.In the full size world I sometimes I get work where steam and water flanges leak ,the flanges are usually banana shaped where steam drivers in the past have had leaks in the past and used very thick gacket material bolted them up tight ,which only bend the flange fae a bit more, solution is usually face the flanges flat ,countersink the thread for the pipe and make sure the pipe is below the mating surfaces, very often over a 100 years of life the flanges are past it ,and owners get new flanges cast for me to machine over the winter break, and then assemble with thin gaskets.