As published, the tables were for lathes with 16 t.p.i. and 1.5mm pitch leadscrews, as that covers the majority of mini-lathes. Some mini-lathes have 2mm pitch leadscrews, and extra tables for such lathes are included here.
Note that these are not necessarily practical in all cases, and a few variations have been found that work better (usually swapping the order of gears to avoid clashes). The tables have not been amended to reflect this, but should provide a good starting point for anyone wishing to use a 63-tooth gear to convert between metric and imperial systems.…minilathechangewheeltables.pdf

I'm the editor of Model Engineers' Workshop magazine and, for my sins, one of the website admins.
I'm a model engineer, and in the past I have written for ME and MEW, but I won't claim any great stock of expertise, just plenty of enthusiasm. Before becoming editor I used to post on this forum as Stub Mandrel (and may occasionally still do so).
If you would like to find out more about me, my personal website is and I have an author page on Amazon at
Feel free to send me a 'pm' (message member) but these are a bit slow and clumsy, so if you would like to get in touch with me by email use
If you want to send me a friend request, don't! Nothing personal – but I refuse all requests so I don't have to choose which ones to accept and which to reject.
I'm always glad to hear your views on the magazine, and particularly keen to encourage new contributors to 'have a go', so let me know if you have any ideas for articles.
I hope to hear from you soon.