Here’s what’s coming up in the new February issue of the engineering workshop magazine for hobby engineers, makers and modellers.

Model Engineers’ Workshop is the leading magazine dedicated to tools and techniques, helping you get the most out of your workshop.
Inside the February 2025 issue…
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A Rolling Box
Jaques Maurel offers some useful ideas for storing heavier items in awkward spots.
3D printing: a Young Engineer’s perspective on innovation and potential
Apprentice engineer Tom Dale discusses his experience of 3D printing and how it fits with his aspirations as a model engineer.
Making a Pultra Lathe Collet Drawbar
Brett Meacle describes his versatile drawbar that acts as a precision stop and rear steady – and it’s easily adapted for other types of draw in collet.
A Model Riveting Attachment
Adrian Garner details his device for impressing rivets for smaller scale models, making use of George H. Thomas’ Pillar Tool.
And there’s lots more to read! Order your copy here, or subscribe with one of our latest deals from just £4.50 an issue