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The Editor visits the
East Somerset Society Of Model
And Experimental Engineers
at The Bath And West Railway

Ladybird running on the 7 1/4in. gauge track.

Sara, a modified 7 1/4in. gauge locomotive to the Tinkerbell design.

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Another view of Sara standing at the platform. Note the signal box in the background.

The Bath And West Railway is laid with wooden sleepers and correct section rail.

This little battery electric locomotive and driving trolley is standing on the turntable.

You can visit the Society here.

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The East Somerset Society is a relatively newcomer to the ranks of model engineering societies being founded in 2001. 

The Society is based at the Bath and West Showground near Shepton Mallet in Somerset.

There is a large club house on site
and a good length of track catering for both 5in. and 7 1/4in. gauges.
At the time of my visit, they had just installed a new turntable and steaming bays (2009).
During the model engineering show, the weekend after Easter 2009, Roger Davies was running his much modified Tinkerbell which is actually a 2-4-2.
I had a run behind this locomotive and the ride was was very smooth.
The club bogie passenger wagons are very well made and are very smooth riders.
As can be seen in the photos, the track is very clean and the layout of the site has been carefully thought out.
The decking in the foreground of some of the photographs is the station platform.

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All the point work and signals are controlled from the signal cabin.
This is a very well constructed building with a proper lever frame arrangement inside.
I was made very welcome at the site and thoroughly enjoyed my short stay in Somerset.
Contact details for the society are Roger Davis, the honorary president


T: 01749 677195. www.essmee.org.uk


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The 5.5 M span bow-string bridge crosses the outfall from the lake. It was made and erected by the members.

This super little 5in. gauge locomotive is a Wren and goes by the name of Belinda.

Prestleigh Brook signal box is fully equiped with a working lever frame.



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