Here’s what’s coming up in the new June issue of the engineering workshop magazine for hobby engineers, makers and modellers.

Model Engineers’ Workshop is the leading magazine dedicated to tools and techniques, helping you get the most out of your workshop.
Inside the June 2024 issue…
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The Potty Engineering Cutter Grinder
Stewart Hart describes a ‘quick and easy’ design to build a grinder to restore your blunted milling cutters.
3D Printing Workshop
Ideas for Beginners Robert Walker shares several practical ideas for printing workshop accessories.
How to Build a Lancaster Bomber!
Without a usable workshop to keep him occupied, Mark Noel turned to a Meccano kit of this iconic aircraft
Lengthening a DTI stem
Jaques Maurel improves the versatility of a dial test indicator with a simple, reversible, modification.
And there’s lots more to read! Order your copy here, or subscribe with one of our latest deals from just £4.50 an issue.