On the river Medway and the Thames Estuary the General Steam Navigation Company (GSN) worked closely with the New Medway Steam Packet Company and, in 1936, GSN acquired the New Medway Company outright, but retained the name for trading purposes.

These promotional wagons are a product of the cooperation between the General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society, based at Blunsdon on the Swindon and Cricklade Railway, and the Medway Queen Preservation Society, based on Gillingham Pier. The two societies have commissioned this joint batch of 00 models from Dapol and sales will help the restoration of PS Medway Queen and of locomotive 35011, General Steam Navigation.

The wagon design fits the MQPS theme offictional wagons that might have been seen at Gillingham pier if there had been a rail connection, but at the same time is very relevant to the General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society. The wagons are available in two colours, red and grey, from either society at £12.90 per model plus £3.75 per order for UK P&P. Two wagons in different colours and UK P&P totals £29.55. The running number is 23 for the year of issue.
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You can order by post from Richard Halton (for MQPS), 2 Drury Close, Hook, Royal Wootton Bassett, SN4 8EL. Cheques payable to “R Halton” please. For more information on the two societies go to www.35011gsn.co.uk and www.medwayqueen.co.uk\